By Yair Shulevitz (November 10, 2021)


Ruthi Ben Yaacov's works are like a personal diary that echoes fleeting moments of life and leaves traces.
On small sheets of paper Ben Yaakov creates a world from the imagination where reality seems like a dream and the dream like reality, with a thin thread intertwined between them.

Ben Yaacov creates an intimate, soft and even innocent world, which converges inside, towards a safe space that protects from the outside world.

Over the years, Ben Yaacov has constructed a poetics of painting, authentic and distinct, identified with her, and which is characterized by modesty, introversion, refinement and the use of symbolic motifs.

If our eyes are already dulled from looking at the subtle nuances that go on after glittering towers, then Ben Yaacov's painting is an alternative, almost subversive, suggestion to be content with looking inward.

* The translation brings the spirit of things.